2025 Registration and Work Days

Registration will be active Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 10:30 AM. To register, you must use the “REGISTRATION” button at https://www.rusticyouthcamp.org/registration.html.

ALL registrations for all sessions must be done online. Since we have had to move to a new registration system, you will need to set up an account with a user name and password. If you want to save a step at registration, you may do this before registration by using the registration link below. You will not be able to register at that time, but it will save you a step when you come back to register.

Day Camp fees are $165. Overnight Camp fees are $235. This year, camp fees will be payable in full BEFORE the beginning of your camp session. At registration, you will be given the option of paying in full or paying a $50 deposit with the balance due in four installments. If this presents a problem and you need to make other arrangements, please contact us.

Have your registration information ready when using the link. You will need payment method, as well as age, birth date, grade, shirt size (YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, A2XL), and any pertinent medical information for each registrant.

Work Days

There are three general work days planned, as well as several days for special projects. The main days are March 29, April 26, and May 31.

There will be staff-only dinner on Friday April 25 (more details to follow) and a booster club meeting on Saturday April 26 (potluck).

To volunteer for the special projects work days to help with the woodworking shop and bunkhouse ramps, please contact Stefan Richardson or email info@rusticyouthcamp.org.

RYC 2023 Registration is Saturday March 4

This year online registration for Rustic Youth Camp will open Saturday March 4, 2023 at 10:00 AM sharp. Click here to begin!

The 1st camp session is June 12-16, and the 2nd camp session is June 26-30.

Be sure to let your friends and family know about registration, especially those who may not use social media.

We’re looking forward to another wonderful year!

RYC Work Days 2023

Mark your calendars! We will be hosting 3 workdays before camp starts this summer. 
They will be: 
Saturday, March 25
Saturday, April 29
Saturday, May 27

There is a lot of indoor work as well as a great deal of outdoor work. We have desperately needed general cleaning, leaves and limbs removal, fallen trees to be removed, shrubbery trimming, carpet to be torn out and painting after that. There is also carpentry and repair work — see Scott or Stefan about that. 

Don’t worry, there is plenty of work for all skill levels and ages!
Please mark your calendars and join us if you can.

If there are other days you would like to work, please contact Vicki Russell or Brock Hester for a list of things to be done.

Winter Camp 2022

Due to Jackie’s health and the amount of work it takes to prepare the buildings and grounds, winter camp will be at Fall Creek Falls again this year. Go to vrwc.net to find the registration form.

Winter Camp 2021

Because of increasing Covid concerns, winter camp will be held at Fall Creek Falls instead of Rustic Youth Camp again this year.

Due to Covid concerns still existing, I have reserved the Newton lodge for Winter Camp this year at Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee. There is more room for spreading out for sleeping and other activities.

Dates are December 29 – January 1.

Click here for registration form.

A Special Message

A special message from Jackie and Bunny:

“In spite of the pandemic, the enthusiasm is still good — even amazing — toward serving the young people of our day. We cannot find all the words to convey our appreciation for all that has been done in the background and on site in preparation for this year’s camps. Let us say it’s been wonderful, it’s been super, it’s been amazing to see the outpouring of dedicated people to help us get things ready. It’s truly wonderful to be a part of such a great group of people. We look forward to seeing many of you soon as we continue to go forth in service to our God and each other. We are forever grateful and love each and every one of you dearly. May God bless you. Love, the Richardsons.”

RYC Work Days 2021

Dear friends of Rustic Youth Camp, 

If we are going to to pass inspection in order for RYC to operate this year, we need your help! There is much work that must be done immediately. Mr. Jackie has a list from the local health inspector.

We plan to have weekly workshops every Saturday beginning March 20th.

Please contact Vicki Russell by email or text to let her know which day or days you can help. 

We will supply the materials and tools, just bring your own food and drinks. 

Plans will be finalized within the next couple of weeks as to what our capacity will be and how we will conduct the registration. 

Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate through this crazy year!

— The RYC Board

The RYC Flag