2025 Registration and Work Days

Registration will be active Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 10:30 AM. To register, you must use the “REGISTRATION” button at https://www.rusticyouthcamp.org/registration.html.

ALL registrations for all sessions must be done online. Since we have had to move to a new registration system, you will need to set up an account with a user name and password. If you want to save a step at registration, you may do this before registration by using the registration link below. You will not be able to register at that time, but it will save you a step when you come back to register.

Day Camp fees are $165. Overnight Camp fees are $235. This year, camp fees will be payable in full BEFORE the beginning of your camp session. At registration, you will be given the option of paying in full or paying a $50 deposit with the balance due in four installments. If this presents a problem and you need to make other arrangements, please contact us.

Have your registration information ready when using the link. You will need payment method, as well as age, birth date, grade, shirt size (YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, A2XL), and any pertinent medical information for each registrant.

Work Days

There are three general work days planned, as well as several days for special projects. The main days are March 29, April 26, and May 31.

There will be staff-only dinner on Friday April 25 (more details to follow) and a booster club meeting on Saturday April 26 (potluck).

To volunteer for the special projects work days to help with the woodworking shop and bunkhouse ramps, please contact Stefan Richardson or email info@rusticyouthcamp.org.

RYC 2023 Registration is Saturday March 4

This year online registration for Rustic Youth Camp will open Saturday March 4, 2023 at 10:00 AM sharp. Click here to begin!

The 1st camp session is June 12-16, and the 2nd camp session is June 26-30.

Be sure to let your friends and family know about registration, especially those who may not use social media.

We’re looking forward to another wonderful year!

Important RYC 2020 News

(To read a PDF version of the letter, please click here.)


This is an announcement that most are expecting, but no one wanted.

As most know, Rustic Youth Camp’s facilities operate under direction of the Alabama Department of Public Health. After multiple contacts with the ADPH, Rustic Youth Camp has been informed that it is highly unlikely that we will receive a permit for operation this summer. The ADPH has guidelines set in place that mostly follow the phased guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The guidelines state that youth camps may begin to reopen during Phase II. As of now, the state of Alabama does not yet qualify to begin even Phase I. Currently, assuming things improve drastically, the earliest Alabama could begin Phase II is in June. Even if this happens, the model of operation for RYC does not meet Phase II requirements—RYC could only open at 1/3 capacity, there could be no shared equipment (like for sports), there could be no overnight campers, and only campers from the immediate area would be allowed to attend. Additionally, it is worth noting that the county in which the facilities are located has seen a five-fold increase in Covid-19 cases in just the last few days, with some associated with RYC being in mandatory quarantine. With these things in mind, the tough decision has been made to announce the cancelation of both sessions of RYC for summer 2020.


The registration deposits for RYC are generally non-refundable because there is a significant expenditure for registration fees, payments, and card fees (Those fees alone are over $2000) and the fact that camp must be maintained even when not in session. However, due to the extraordinary circumstances, we are making refunds available. Refunds will NOT be automatic, nor be refunded through the registration system (Active) as that would result in an additional expense of $1000+ in card fees, etc. Refund checks will be sent via the USPS.

There are three options for refunds:

  • No refund — This is the default option. Several have stated that they would prefer to leave the money with camp to help offset expenses of registration and maintenance. If this is your choice, you do not need to take any further action. The entire RYC family (of which you are a part) thanks you!
  • Partial refund — Many would like to leave some money with camp, but perhaps not all. This might be especially true for larger families with multiple deposits. To receive a partial refund, you MUST request it in writing for our records. To be able to reconcile our books:
    1) the request must be made by the parent or guardian in whose name the registration was made and giving the specific camper’s name;
    2) you must state the amount of the refund you wish based on your campers;
    3) please send your request in writing along with a stamped, pre-addressed envelope to:
    Rustic Youth Camp
    17703 Brownsferry Road
    Athens AL 35611

    (You must use this address. No emails, texts, calls, or other communications can be accepted at this time.)
  • Full refund — The same instructions apply as for the partial refund, but in your request please indicate FULL refund. To receive it, you MUST request it in writing for our records.

Even with all of these set-backs, the RYC family is still strong. The planned re-launch of the official Rustic Youth Camp General Store will still take place soon using a new online store.

We will have scheduled work days for maintenance when guidelines can be met. Keep watch!

Be on the lookout for a special message from Jackie and Bunny during the summer.

Pray for one another, look out for one another, and stay healthy and safe!

RYC 2020 Registration

This year general registration for Rustic Youth Camp will open on February 29, 2020.

Good news! There will be a way to register early for RYC again! We have an arrangement with the RYC Booster Club to offer early registration as a benefit to their membership. To qualify for early registration, you must be a member in good standing with paid dues before February 15, 2020. (Dues are $35 per household.) Only immediate members of families with current Booster Club memberships will be offered this opportunity.

After February 15 exclusive email links will be provided to members of the RYC Booster Club. Please note links may not be shared. Anyone attempting to register without being members in good standing will be dropped from camp enrollment. When you become a Booster Club member you will receive more precise information about dates for early registration.

Check rycbooster.club to find out how to become a member of the RYC Booster Club. Please remember that dues for the club should be mailed to

RYC Booster Club
1520 Hwy 33
Russellville AL 35653

and not to Rustic Youth Camp.