Staff Registration 2025

Staff registration link for summer 2025 camps is open. Register soon if you are considering volunteering.

To apply for a staff position at either or both of this year’s sessions of RYC, each individual will need to have an application—no spouses, etc., can be on the same application. Please submit your applications by March 16, 2025. Be aware, spots are limited and every applicant may not receive a spot. You will be contacted when assignments are made.

And don’t forget the upcoming work days:

There are three general work days planned, as well as several days for special projects. The main days are March 29, April 26, and May 31.

There will be staff-only dinner on Friday April 25 (more details to follow) and a booster club meeting on Saturday April 26 (potluck).

To volunteer for the special projects work days to help with the woodworking shop and bunkhouse ramps, please contact Stefan Richardson or email

2025 Registration and Work Days

Registration will be active Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 10:30 AM. To register, you must use the “REGISTRATION” button at

ALL registrations for all sessions must be done online. Since we have had to move to a new registration system, you will need to set up an account with a user name and password. If you want to save a step at registration, you may do this before registration by using the registration link below. You will not be able to register at that time, but it will save you a step when you come back to register.

Day Camp fees are $165. Overnight Camp fees are $235. This year, camp fees will be payable in full BEFORE the beginning of your camp session. At registration, you will be given the option of paying in full or paying a $50 deposit with the balance due in four installments. If this presents a problem and you need to make other arrangements, please contact us.

Have your registration information ready when using the link. You will need payment method, as well as age, birth date, grade, shirt size (YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, A2XL), and any pertinent medical information for each registrant.

Work Days

There are three general work days planned, as well as several days for special projects. The main days are March 29, April 26, and May 31.

There will be staff-only dinner on Friday April 25 (more details to follow) and a booster club meeting on Saturday April 26 (potluck).

To volunteer for the special projects work days to help with the woodworking shop and bunkhouse ramps, please contact Stefan Richardson or email